Discover Penmarc'h

If there is one place that is beautiful in all weathers, it is Pointe de Penmarch. Discover the essentials in a day of walking.

The tip of Penmarc'h

Whether in season or out of season, it is the ideal place to taste the spray of the high seas without leaving the land. We can imagine the violence of the stormy days that sailors have had to face over the centuries.

When the weather is calm, you can walk to the port and admire the magnificent panorama and the changing colors so particular to the Breton point.

Here are the things not to miss on your visit to Penmarc’h: 

Eckmühl lighthouse

Découvrez Penmarc'h et son paysage côtier spectaculaire, avec ses côtes rocheuses et son imposant phare en arrière-plan. Un mur de pierre borde des maisons pittoresques sous un ciel nuageux et maussade, incarnant le charme unique du tourisme à Penmarc'h.

The Eckmühl lighthouse is one of the most visited places in Finistère. It is one of the most luxurious lighthouses in France. It dates from 1897.

Its construction was made possible thanks to the will of a woman, Adélaïde d’Eckmühl de Blocqueville.

Following the battle of Eckmühl in the German countryside, his father, Marshal Davout had received the title of prince of Eckmühl, by the emperor Napoleon. The Marquise posthumously bequeathed part of her fortune in honor of her father, so that the war dead could be redeemed by the lives saved from the storm.

This donation made it possible to build a 60-meter-high lighthouse to secure one of the most dangerous coasts in France. It guides sailors 45 km around.

What makes this lighthouse exceptional is that it was built with noble materials, and decorated like a palace: blue marble ceiling ribbed with bronze, opaline tiles, fully paneled hall of honor.

It is a must-see place during your visit to Penmarc’h. At the top of its 290 steps, you can admire the whole of the Pays Bigouden Sud as far as Audierne bay.

The lighthouse is open in July and August from 10:30 am to 7:00 pm (last climb 1/2 hour before closing.) The visit lasts about 30 minutes.

Prices 2021: Adults: € 3 – Child: € 1.50

And if the climb takes your breath away, you can have a thought for all the participants of the Eckmühl Lighthouse Climbing World Championship which has taken place every year since 2007 😉 The record is currently held by Maxime Signorino with 46s 54!

Un petit bateau rouge et blanc est échoué sur un rivage calme et peu profond près de Penmarc'h, avec plusieurs bouées et d'autres bateaux au loin sous un ciel nuageux, invitant les visiteurs à découvrir le charme serein de la côte.

The Penmarch semaphore

Next to the Eckmühl lighthouse, you will find the Pointe de Penmarch semaphore, which depends on the French Navy. It is a lookout dating from 1806. Today, it makes it possible to monitor sea and air space, to provide assistance at sea and to ensure the application of maritime regulations. In summer, it can generally be visited for free on Wednesday mornings (with some exceptions) to discover the watchers’ mission.

The old lighthouse

Near the semaphore, you can take the opportunity to visit the old lighthouse, today the Maritime Discovery Center. It houses on the ground floor an exhibition on lighthouses and beacons. Upstairs you can discover temporary exhibitions of contemporary art every year.

The old lighthouse is open in July and August from 10:30 am to 6:30 pm.

Un grand phare se dresse près du rivage à Penmarc'h, avec un sentier et des bâtiments à proximité sous un ciel nuageux.
Un banc bleu patiné est situé sur un chemin herbeux au bord de la côte rocheuse de Penmarc'h. Un petit bâtiment est visible au loin sous un ciel nuageux.

Our Lady of Joy

This chapel located along the GR34 between the Eckmühl lighthouse and the port of Saint-Guénolé and dates from the end of the 15th century. Legend has it that two knights saved from a ship that ran aground there had this chapel built in recognition, dedicated to Our Lady of Joy.

It is especially remarkable for its vaulted roof in the form of an inverted ship’s hull, and its beams carved with fantastic creatures. You will also be able to observe ex-votos, models of ships sculpted by sailors in gratitude for having saved them from storms.

Where to eat in Penmarch?

If you want to stop at mid-day, do not hesitate to push the door of one of the 4 restaurants on the point. They are all highly recommended!

Ar Men Gwen – 709 Rue du Phare
La Voilerie – 600 Rue du Phare
La crêperie du Phare – 731 Rue des Naufragés
Lak Atao – Place du maréchal Davout

Book your holidays in southern Finistère!

4* campsite with direct access to the beach between Fouesnant and Concarneau.